“Fresno has been named as one of the top ten cities nationally for street art.”
Murals help create vibrant beautiful neighborhoods with unique community identities. Up to 14 murals in Fresno’s renowned “Murals District” and other downtown areas have been financed and facilitated by Creative Fresno. Our “Digital Mural Map” continuously documents up to 300 Fresno county murals in an interactive online map.
The mission of the murals committee is to promote, facilitate, archive and preserve murals throughout Fresno County by:
Promoting local talent
Engaging the community with public art
Acting as intermediaries and facilitators between artist and clients.
Maintaining a database of artist portfolios
Fundraising to promote new murals or preserve existing ones
Photographing, Archiving and preserving public art
Acting as local “experts” for murals in Fresno
If you are a property owner or artist interested creating a mural in the Fresno area, or would like any general information on murals, please let us know.